Hunter Real Estate Group

Ways to Use Technology when Selling Your Home

Technology has helped make many things more convenient — and you can definitely add selling a home to that list.

Technology, from apps to online tools, has made putting a home up for sale so much easier than before. In fact, research from the National Association of Realtors shows that over 89 percent of home buyers now rely on technology to help them find the perfect home for sale. Here are a few ways you can use technology to your advantage and sell your home faster:

  1. Take and Upload High-Quality Images of the Home
  2. Apps and websites used to market one’s home generally require you upload several photos of your property. The photos will be the first point of contact buyers will have with the home, so make sure that these images really “pop.” Borrow a DSLR and have some great photos of the home’s interior and exterior snapped. Editing with Photoshop before uploading them can make a difference as well.

  3. Pin the Home’s Location on Google Maps along with Nearby Points of Interest
  4. It’s all about “location, location, location” when it comes to selling one’s home. Many digital platforms allow sellers to pin their location on a Google Maps widget to provide prospective buyers with a better idea of where the home is actually located.

    One can take advantage of this feature to further illustrate just how great the location of the home is by pinning nearby points of interest. This is especially useful if a buyer is currently residing in a different city. Good locations to pin include good schools, groceries, medical facilities, and the like.

  5. Create a Virtual Tour of the Home
  6. Some home buyers are likely to live out of town or out of state. This means that a good percentage of prospective buyers may not exactly have the time to visit the actual home.

    By uploading a virtual tour on your online listing, potential buyers can more easily see what the home looks like without their having to drive all the way to where the home is. This helps assure you buyers who contact you or your RealtorⓇ are genuinely interested in buying your home since they have already seen what it’s like.

    These are only some of the ways one can take advantage of today’s technology to help sell one’s home. On top of these tips, one can always count on an experienced local RealtorⓇ to help market one’s home.

At the HUNTER REAL ESTATE GROUP, we take advantage of various real estate apps and websites to further increase the reach of our marketing efforts. Call us at 713-572-0824 or email us at for more information.

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